Pre-Booked Courses at Harrow Leisure Centre The 2-5 years Toddler course is designed specifically for toddlers with no trampolining experience and enables them to experience the joy of trampolining through play, with the focus on having fun and working towards the pre-school award sceme. Parents must remain with their children during the class. The 6-15 years course is suitable for all ages and abilities. For those with little or no trampolining experience it enables them them to work through our award scheme. For those of a higher ability we offer advanced coaching and the opportunity to progress to competitive trampolining. Somersaults are introduced, as well as routines. Discipline and interaction with other children is encouraged as part of the lesson and the children receive one to one instruction. The Special Needs course is designed for those with a range of special needs although there is a requirement that the children will need to be able to mount and dismount the trampoline with minimum assistance. Parents/Carers are required to remain throughout the class.
NEEDS (All ages and ability welcome) BOOKING NOW OPEN 4:45 -
5:40 - 10
week course £145.00 (Full) ***** Tuesday Next
term: 14th January - 25th March 5:45 - 6:40 - 10 week course £160.00 (Full) ***** For further
information or to book a place on one of the courses
Saturday Next
term: 18th January - 29th March BOOKING NOW OPEN Toddlers
2 - 5 years ***** Monday Next
term: 13th January - 24th March BOOKING NOW OPEN 5:45 - 6:40 - 10 week course £135.00 (Full) ***** For further
information or to book a place on one of the courses
Pre-Booked Courses at Canons Sports Centre Wednesday Next
term: 15th January - 26th March 18:00 - 18:50
- 10
week course £114.00 (Full)
For further
information or to book a place on one of the courses
COMPETITIVE SQUAD Sunday 10:45 - 12:45
- By invitation only Wednesday 18:00 - 20:00 - By invitation only
Proper sports clothing and
socks should be worn and all jewelry must be removed. You will not be
allowed on the trampoline wearing street clothes, ie. No jeans etc. or
clothing with toggles.